terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013

Project Challenge Entrepreneurship and Ecology 

   Our school was the host of the first COMENIUS project reunion “Make a Difference! Be a Green Entrepreneur”, which happened in the 28th, and lasted until the 31st of October. The project is coordinated by Romania, which has the following European partners: Cyprus, Hungary, Finland, Spain, Italy, Poland, Greece, Turkey and Portugal. In time, when the concepts of Ecology and Entrepreneurship are in order, this project aims to conciliate these two areas, looking to foment, in their students, the desire to start and manage their own business and, at the same time, make them conscientious towards their important part in the protection of the environment and how the future of a green, healthy planet is in their hands.

   With the duration of two years, the project equally aims to develop, in their students, the creativity, the ability of initiative and knowing how to work as a team.

   During the reunion, the participating countries presented a bit about their homeland and their education system. In presentation of our country and school, the students of the Apprenticeship classes involved in the project (2nd Technical Sales Representative; 2nd Informatics-System technician; 1st and 2nd Metallurgy and Metallomechanics Technician and 2nd Electronics, Automation and Command Technician) prepared some culturally unique delicacies of our gastronomy. As a symbolic act to the projects’ theme, a tree was planted in our garden, creating roots to an environmental and civic responsibility. As to duties to attend to, some tasks were assigned, such as the Green Corner, a promotional video of the project, and Christmas decoration done with recycled material.

The partners of the project had the opportunity to visit some of our region’s most emblematic locations, such as Lisbon.

Watch out our photos!

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