quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2014

Resoluções | Resolutions | 2014 - Be Green

No final de 2013, os nossos alunos apresentaram diversas propostas de resoluções a atingir em 2014, enquanto empreendedores ecológicos.
Na semana passada, reunimos no auditório da nossa escola para analisar e discutir acerca das resoluções apresentadas. Em seguida, os alunos votaram nas 5 melhores resoluções a atingir durante o próximo ano.

Aqui estão as Resoluções para 2014:

1ª - Controlo do desperdício alimentar no refeitório da escola;

2ª - Criar os nossos próprios carros com materiais recicláveis e organizar concursos de corrida;
3ª - Compostagem;
4ª - Palestras e/ou workshops sobre Ecologia;
5ª - Criar depósitos de papel para reciclar no bar da escola.

Vejam as nossas fotos!

In the end of 2013, our students presented several proposals of resolutions to accomplish in 2014 as Green Entrepreneurs.

Last week, we joint in our school's auditorium to analyze and discuss about the resolutions presented. Then the students voted on the 5 best resolutions to accomplish along this year.

Here are our Resolutions to 2014:

1st - Control food waste in the school's cantine;

2nd - Make our own recycled cars and some racing contests;
3rd - Compost;
4th - Lectures about Ecology;
5th - Make recycled paper trays for use in the cafeteria.

Watch out our photos!

terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2014

"A Green Drop for a Blue Planet" Magazine... Our article!

Pollution and its effects

WATER POLLUTION | Fresh and clean water are essential to the survival of every living being. But with the increase of industry, mostly big dimension factories, the water is now a major target of toxic waste. The polluted water damages the marine ecosystems, mostly causing ecological imbalance, fish contamination and other marine species that are consumed by people and the deaths of birds that feed upon contaminated fish. In one of the most prejudicial accidents such as is the case of oil leakage, it is also common the death of many animals, birds, fish and other species, when they come in contact with the polluted waters, causing very high mortality rates, depending on the population of marine animal species, besides the water of beaches becomes unfit for bathing when the black tides reach the coast.
Can’t we do it better?
NOISE POLLUTION | Noise pollution is a type of pollution propagated by sound. This pollution is caused by the production of sounds with high intensity. Generally, these sounds are sounds that become unbearable, becoming regarded as disturbing noise. In the developed society we live in, industry and commerce are constantly evolving, the construction of buildings has increased, companies have increased their production and consumers have sought to buy more and better products, even with the economic crisis we are experiencing, it all adds to this type of pollution due to the various sources of noise all these activities create. It causes insomnia, stress, depression, hearing loss, aggression, lack of attention and concentration, memory loss, headaches, increase in blood pressure, fatigue, deafness. It is a consequence of nowadays society and is considered one of the most troubling kinds of pollution that exist nowadays.
Can’t we do it better?
SOIL POLLUTION | It is constituted by undue presence in the soil of foreign chemicals, such as solid waste or liquid waste produced by humans that may harm life forms and their regular development. It causes the contamination of aquifers, essential to human life, the death of various fauna and floral species, changes in the natural food cycles, originates new diseases in humans and causes desertification of natural landscapes with the added consequences the degradation of the ecosystem brings to human life.
Can’t we do it better?
AIR POLLUTION | Aerial pollution is originated in the types and amounts of pollutants found in the atmosphere. It is especially common in large cities and affects not only men but also animals and plants. The air pollutants may be various types of toxic gases and may have solid particles. It causes an increase in global temperature, intensifies the greenhouse effect, may cause acid rain, decreases of mass in the ozone layer, and may ultimately lead to the development of heart disease in the humans living permanently in these environments.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle! The Earth is our greatest gift as it gives us life. We must repay it with justice. We can do it better!

By FEPSET Students

sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2014

Flores de S. Valentim | Valentine Flowers

Na nossa escola, o amor espalhou-se através de flores.
Dêem uma olhadela ao nosso tutorial em vídeo e experimentem...

Tenham um ótimo Dia de S. Valentim :)

In our school, love was spread by flowers.
Give a look at our video tutorial and try it...

Have a nice Valentine's Day :)

Postais de S. Valentim | Valentine's Postcards

Não há Dia de S. Valentim sem um Postal de Amor!

Feliz Dia dos Namorados :)

There's no Valentine's Day without a Love Postcard!

Happy Valentine's Day :)

Animação no Dia dos Namorados | Valentine's Day Animation

O espírito do amor tomou conta da Fundação Escola Profissional de Setúbal através de diversas atividades ao longo do dia.

Os nossos alunos e professores organizaram um BAZAR GRATUITO e a animação continuou com o TWISTER DE S. VALENTIM.

O amor esteve em todo o lado :)

The love spirit was all over Fundação Escola Profissional de Setúbal with several activities throughout the day.

Our students and teachers organized a
FREE BAZAAR and the animation continued with VALENTINE`S TWISTER.

Love was all around :)

Dia dos Namorados | Valentine's Day

A nossa Assistente Comenius proporcionou aos alunos algumas apresentações sobre o Amor.
Num dia cheio de emoções, houve ainda um Encontro às Cegas na Fundação Escola Profissional de Setúbal.


Our Comenius Assistant offered our students some presentations about Love.
In a day full of emotions, there was still a Blind Date Show in Fundação Escola Profissional de Setúbal.


segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

Transplantação da Árvore de Natal | Transplanting the Christmas Tree

No passado dia 30 de janeiro, os alunos da turma CAD/CAM 2 fizeram o transplante do pinheiro de natal do Green Corner para o espaço exterior do edifício.
Após as decorações de natal terem sido cuidadosamente retiradas do pinheiro e distribuídas por várias instituições, o pinheiro foi transportado para o espaço envolvente da escola e, numa área preparada para o efeito, foi feito o buraco que iria receber a árvore e procedeu-se à sua transplantação. Vários alunos colaboraram na tarefa de escavação e posterior enchimento, com o qual se garantiu que o pinheiro ficava bem plantado. Por último, foi regado e adubado.

O pinheiro continuará agora a viver feliz e a brincar nas pradarias em volta da escola com os seus novos amigos e espera um dia vir a encontrar uma "pinheira" que faça dele uma árvore honesta. :)

In the last 30th of January, CAD/CAM 2 students transplanted the pine tree which adorned the portuguese Green Corner during Christmas time, to a patch of ground on the outside of the building.
After the Christmas decorations were carefully removed from the tree and distributed through various benefic institutions, the pine tree was taken outside the central building and, in an área previously prepared for it, was made a hole on the ground which would serve for the tree to be planted. Several students collaborated in the escavation process and after placing the tree, in refilling the hole with adequated earth. Lastly the tree was watered nourished.

The pine tree will now spend its days living happily while playing in the prairies that surround the school where he has made many new friends and where he hopes someday to find a pine "tree-es" that makes of him an honest pine tree. :)